
What Exactly Does a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Do?

If you’ve suffered a work-related illness or injury, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. But sadly, employers or their insurers often refuse workers’ compensation claims, even when the claims are legitimate, forcing employees to go through a complicated appeal system. For this reason, only a few employees manage to navigate through, most of them end up giving up.

Working with a committed workers’ compensation attorney, like one from Snow Carpio&Weekley law firm, will offer you a greater chance of getting the benefits you deserve. In addition to negotiating with the employer’s insurance provider, they will also collect medical evidence that backs your case, negotiate an adequate compensation and represent you in court, just in case you fail to reach an agreement.

Keep in mind that the lawyers working for the insurance company and claim adjusters are not concerned with your interests. They will quickly reject your legitimate claim for questionable reasons. Luckily, there are plenty of things that a dedicated and experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can do to turn the case in your favor.

That leads us to the question, what exactly does a workers’ compensation lawyer do? Here is a list of four things that these attorneys can do.

Developing medical and other evidence

Lack of adequate medical evidence is perhaps the main reason why most workers’ compensation lawsuits are denied. Having strong medical evidence to back your case up is the surest way to ensure your claim is approved, and that you receive all the benefits you deserve. Your workers’ compensation attorney will help to build the medical evidence by:

  • Collecting the records
  • Recommending and advising treatment with specific doctors
  • Getting medical opinions from doctors in charge
  • Performing depositions of physicians

Negotiating and structuring settlement agreements

Your lawyer is capable of estimating the worth of your case based on aspects like the extent of your injuries, the impacts of the injury to your career and personal life, medical costs and future treatment and whether you have a long-term impairment or not. They also are well versed with negotiating tricks and tactics that insurers use. The lawyers are better placed to engage in productive negotiations than you.

Representing you in a trial or hearing

If you failed to reach an amicable agreement with your employer or their insurer, and your case goes to a trial or an administrative hearing, you workers’ compensation attorney will represent you before the judge. They may take depositions of witnesses, conduct legal research, request your medical documents, write your pleadings, communicate to the insurer and ensure that all things are done promptly.

Offering legal advice

Other than workers’ compensation claim, you may have a personal injury claim against another person whose negligence or intentional act contributed to or caused your injury. Manufacturers of faulty equipment and drivers are often targets of such suits. In such cases, you may get more compensation, as compared to a workers’ claim. Your lawyer will also offer legal advice regarding third-party claims along with other possible benefits.